Bau Nyale ,,,, oh what is it ...? where is it...?
Nyale is a party or a ceremony, known as Bau Nyale. Bau comes from the word that means capturing Sasak language while Nyale words mean sea worms that live in holes in the rocks below the sea surface.

 Bau Nyale party or ceremony is an event and the tradition of the legendary and had high sacred values for Sasak tribe, indigenous tribe Lombok Island. The existence of the party Bau Nyale  is closely related to a folklore that developed in the southern part of Central Lombok
 Mandalika Princess, a beautiful princess who becomes Nyale worms and appear once a year in Lombok Beach. Who would have thought worms Nyale contested and sought every year by the people of Lombok is the incarnation of a princess who was very beautiful antiquity contested by the princes of the various kingdoms in Lombok

Princess Mandalika is the daughter of King Tonjang Beru and Dewi  Seranting . King is famous for his wisdom so that his people loved him very much because they prospered. Mandalika Princess live in an atmosphere of royal and respected until he grew up.

 As an adult Princess Mandalika grow into a girl who was very pretty and charming. Her beauty was spread out to the entire Lombok so that Prince and Prince of various kingdom like the kingdom of Johor, Lipur kingdom, the kingdom Pane, Kuripan kingdom, the kingdom of Daha, and the kingdom of BERU intends to mempersuntingnya.

Knowing that it makes the princess became very upset, because if she chose one among them there will be discord and fighting in Gumi Sasak. There are even some who installed senggeger kingdom that princess fell in love with him. But this only makes the Princess got madder.

fter much thought, finally the princess decided to invite all of their people and their princes to meet in Kuta Beach Lombok on the 20th of the month to 10 months, according to calculations Sasak precisely before dawn. The invitation was welcomed by all the princes and the people so right on that date they flocked to the location of the invitation.
After a while finally the princess Mandalika appear to be carried by the soldiers who guard it. Then he stopped and stood on a rock off the coast. After telling his intention to accept the entire prince and princess of the people was finally jumped into the sea. All the people who look for it and found none. After some time finally comes a collection of colorful worms that the society believed to be the incarnation Princess Mandalika

when the smell nyale in lakanakan ..?
smell nyale done in February and it is always different every day tahunya this year February 16-17, 2017 and the smell goes so fast nyale approximately 10-11 hours was finished so for those of you who want to go there to make sure it was there at 5 am because at 5 am people had gathered apparent, very crowded even though the sun had not terbi. okay hopefully your vacation fun

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